Chair Word

Dr. Ali Al-Aidaroos
Chair of the International steering committee
 of the Jeddah Transect project

King Abdulaziz University is one of the leading academic institutions. Its Faculty of Marine Sciences, mandated with a wide range of research and educational activities focusing on the Red Sea, is keeping pace with global developments in marine sciences and technology.

Jeddah Transect Project is a combined scientific effort between Saudi and German scientists conducting research in to the geology, biology, chemistry, ecology and resources of the deep rift basin in the red sea which started in September 2010.The two institutions involved in this scientific research project are; Faculty of Marine Sciences at King Abdulaziz University (KAU) and Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences in Kiel, Germany providing a multidisciplinary understanding of the key processes related to the past, present and future environment of the Red Sea.

Research efforts of both the institutions focus on a 120Km swath of sea floor extending from the central Red Sea rift axis to coastal waters off Jeddah, where relevant processes are being studied.

 Dr.Ali M. Al Aidaroos, Dean of the Faculty of Marine Sciences (KAU) is the chair of the International steering committee of the Jeddah Transect project.

Last Update
7/10/2011 11:56:03 AM