Steering Committee

The Jeddah Transect Steering Committee (JTSC) is the coordinating body for the scientific, managerial, and financial aspects of the Jeddah Transect project. The objective of the JTSC are to:

  • conduct long-range planning, evaluation and assessment of the project
  • review and approve a semi-annual project plan and budget for each subproject
  • review and evaluate milestones for each subproject every 4 months
  • foster integration and linkages between subprojects

The JTSC is jointly created by the King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, the Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences, Kiel, Germany, and GTZ, Ryiadh.


Current Panel Members are:

 Dr. Ali M. Al-Aidaroos
King Abdulaziz University, Chair

 Dr. Warner Brückmann
IFM-GEOMAR, Vice Chair

 Prof. Dr. Adana Jameel Salama
King Abdulaziz University

 Dr. Adnan Jamaan Turki
 King Abdulaziz University,

 Prof. Anton Eisenhauer
 IFM-GEOMAR Representative

 Jan Fraeb
 GTZ Office, Observer

 Dr. Marcus Dengler
 IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel Project Office, Secretary


Last Update
2/8/2012 11:19:14 AM